Angular: ngClass and it’s usage to change CSS dynamically

Monir Khan
1 min readOct 13, 2020

What is ngClass

The ngClass directive takes an expression that will be used to determine which state styles to apply at a given time to the styled element.

Using ngClass

The expression passed on to ngClass can be:

  • an object
<button [ngClass]=”{ btn:true, ‘btn-primary’:false}”>will become <button class="btn">
  • an array
<button [ngClass]=”[‘btn’, ‘btn-primary’]”>Button</button>will become <button class="btn btn-primary">
  • a string
<button [ngClass]=”’btn btn-primary’”>

Lets look at a more complete example using the object expression

/** parentComponent.component.ts **/
return {
btn: condition ? true: false,
‘btn-primary’: true,
‘btn-extra-class’: this.someBooleanVariable
/** parentComponent.component.html**/
<button [ngClass]="calculateClasses()"

